The neurosciences have influenced and continue to influence all areas of knowledge such as’ education, physical education, business, physiotherapy, medicine,
and a branch of this’ the last one which was very important in the twentieth century: psychoanalysis, created by the famous Sigmund Freud.
Quest’ the latter has been enriched, modified, developed through the new technological, philosophical and logical knowledge of the study of the brain.
Our staff had the opportunity to participate in the psychoanalysis and neuroscience conference at the university of social sciences of Verona, held by the doctor and psychoanalyst Maurizio Baciga, neuromove promotes multidisciplinary methodology as it is believed to be the correct path for treatment much more integrated that concerns the different psychophysical pathologies in the human being.
-A secure base. Clinical applications of attachment theory, J. Bowlby, translation by M. Magnino, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Series No. 26, Milan, Raffaello Cortina, 1989.
- The age of the unconscious. Art, mind and brain from the great Vienna to the present day, Eric Richard Kandel, Milan, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2012.
-Art and neuroscience. The two cultures in comparison, Eric Richard Kandel, Milan, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2017.
-Theory of Loose Mines. How to handle the dark side of the force, Andrea Seganti, 2009.
-Nietzsche's Tears, Irvin D. Yalom, 2006.
One-day creatures, Irvin D. Yalom, 2015.
-The strange order of things, A. Damàsio, Scientific Library n.59, Milan, Adelphi, 2018.
-The Emotional Brain (The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life), J. Ledoux, Simon & Schuster, Touchstone 1998.