Core Training Applicato

Benefits and features of the course

  • Improvement of Stability and Dynamic Balance: Strengthening your core muscles helps maintain correct posture and improves overall balance, reducing the risk of falls and injuries.

  • Accident Prevention: A strong core offers better support for the spine, reducing the risk of injury both in daily life and during sporting activities.

  • Improved Athletic Performance: Athletes of all disciplines can benefit from a stronger core, which improves power, speed and movement efficiency.

  • Reduction of Back Pain: Strengthening your core muscles, especially your abdominals and lower back muscles, can relieve or prevent chronic back pain.

  • Posture improvement: A strong core helps you maintain proper posture, preventing postural problems that can cause long-term pain and discomfort.

  • Greater Efficiency in Daily Movements: Everyday activities such as lifting objects, bending and twisting become easier and safer thanks to a strong and well-trained core.

  • Increased Functional Strength: Core Training not only focuses on the abdominals, but also the muscles of the trunk, hips and pelvis, improving the functional strength needed for daily tasks and physical activities.

  • Mental Health Benefits: Exercise, including core training, releases endorphins, improving mood and reducing stress and anxiety.

Mode and Time

In the new Online Area of ​​Neuromove and the Bernstein Center, we organize a theoretical-practical course to learn our methodological steps of Neuromuscular Self-Relaxation via our platform.

The course includes:

  • 5 moduli of 1 hour each, every Friday online
  • 1 modulo of 5 hours at the Bernstein Center, Lungadige Attiraglio

Course times “Applied Core Training”:

  • 19:00 Spain and Italy
  • 14:30 Argentina, Paraguay, Chile and Uruguay
Autorilassamento Neuromuscolare

Addressed to:

-Professionals related to health and sport, sports coaches, physical education professors, graduates in physical education and physiotherapists seeking to expand their knowledge in Neurobiology and the myofascial system.

-Athletes and sportspeople who want to protect themselves from injuries and recover their body through the exercises of this methodology.

Core Training Applicato

Applied neuroscience in 6 modules:(Dates)

Applied Core Training

1. Deep Synergy: Deep synergy refers to the activation and coordination of the deep core muscles, such as the transversus abdominis and pelvic floor. These muscles stabilize the spine and pelvis, providing a solid base for all movements.

2. Surface Synergy: Superficial synergy involves the most external and visible muscles of the core, such as the rectus abdominis and obliques. These muscles work together with the deep muscles to provide strength, power and functional movement.

3. Activation of 'Static' Myofascial Chains: This methodology focuses on the activation of myofascial chains (networks of muscles and connective tissues) in a static way, through stability exercises and holding positions. This approach improves muscle endurance and joint stability.

4. 'Static' and 'Dynamic' Activation of the Postural and Motor Engrams of the Various Sports: The activation of postural and motor engrams consists of strengthening and perfecting movement patterns specific to different sports. Exercises can be both static (holding positions) and dynamic (controlled movements), improving the efficiency and precision of athletic performance.

5. 'Static' and 'Dynamic' combination: This methodology integrates static and dynamic exercises to create a complete training program. Static exercises improve stability and endurance, while dynamic exercises increase strength, power and coordination. The combination of both allows you to develop a strong and functional core, capable of supporting and improving performance in various physical activities.

In summary, this holistic Core Training methodology aims to develop a strong and functional core through the combined use of static and dynamic exercises, exploiting the synergy between deep and superficial muscles and activating myofascial chains to improve stability, strength and flexibility. motor efficiency.


1-Video recording of each lesson in case of absence from some episodes.

2-Interactive platform where each presentation of each module will be shared.

3- Material and scientific articles regarding the application of the core in training and rehabilitation



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Promotion: 150 EURO + VAT

Enter your details and you will start receiving information on the requested course.
If you have any doubts or questions about the payment method
You can contact: Josè De laurentis, Pablo Gaitan

E-mail: Cell: ITA:+393399724989.<br>ARG 

If you don't want to pay with your credit card, you can also do it by bank transfer; Consult our team.

Our team

Benvenutti nuova e unica

Jose De Laurentis

founder neuromove

Physical education teacher all’IPEF Cordoba Argentina.

Specialization in Movement Therapy at the University of Villa Maria Cordoba, Argentina.

Researcher in the field of neuro coordination, motor control and training physiology.

Consultant cognitive neuroscience applied to learning motor, fitness and sports.

ATP Tennis Physical Coach e FIT.

Chi siamo

Pablo Gaitan

FOUNDER kinesia

Professor of Physical Education atIPEF Cordoba Argentina.

Physiotherapist and kinesiologist at the University of EKyF, Cordoba Argentina.

Specialization in sports medicine.

Founder of the "Kinesia" rehabilitation center 'therapy in movement' in Villa Allende Cordoba Argentina.

Are you interested in this training?
Schedule a free consultation to find out more.

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