(Minimum 12 sessions in a row)

  1. Muscle toning.
  2. Reduction of joint pain.
  3. Improved balance.
  4. Reduction of back pain.
  5. Improved posture.
  6. Self-awareness of muscle tension.
  7. Acquisition of healthy habits.
  8. Improved flexibility.
  9. Improved integrative health.

Modalità: "Presenziale"

Lunedì/Mercoledì dalle 18:30 alle 20:00hs.


Addressed to:

Corsi in Gruppo: Posturale e riabilitativo.

-Athletes and sportsmen who want to protect themselves from injuries and recover their body through the methodology of these topics.

-To all those who seek a better quality of life through suitable exercise.

Applied neuroscience on our practical contents lasting 1:30hs.

Group courses: Postural and rehabilitation.

  1. Muscle self-relaxation techniques using self-massage elements “roller”, “balls”: These techniques focus on using foam rollers and small balls to massage and relax muscles. The “roller” it is used to massage large muscle groups, while “balls” they allow for a more targeted massage, often used to release specific tension or trigger points.

  2. Yoga exercises: Yoga is an ancient practice that combines physical movements, breathing and meditation to improve health and well-being. Yoga exercises, called asanas, focus on flexibility, strength, balance and awareness of the body and mind.

  3. Chi kung exercises: Chi kung, or Qigong, is a Chinese practice that combines slow movements, controlled breathing and visualization to improve the flow of vital energy (called “chi” O “qi”) in the body. Chi kung exercises aim to strengthen the body, calm the mind and promote overall health.

  4. Core training exercises: Core training focuses on strengthening your core muscles “core”, which include the abdominals, lower back and pelvic muscles. These exercises help improve stability, posture and overall body strength.

  5. Rehabilitative postural exercises: These exercises are designed to correct and improve body posture. Often used as part of injury rehabilitation or to prevent postural problems, these exercises focus on posture awareness and strengthening the muscles that support correct posture.


Corsi in Gruppo: Posturale e riabilitativo.

Jose De Laurentis

  • Doctor of Motor Sciences atIPEF Cordoba Argentina.
  • Specialization in Movement Therapy at the University of Villa Maria Cordoba, Argentina.
  • Researcher in the field of neuro coordination, motor control and training physiology.
  • Consultant cognitive neuroscience applied to learning motor, fitness and sports.
Chi siamo

Alina Amelia Craciun



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Promotion: the course costs £80 per month.

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Puoi contattare: jose de laurentis 

E-mail: Cell: +393389724989.<br>

If you don't want to pay with your credit card, you can also do it by bank transfer; Consult our team.

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