Distance learning and the new Neuromove online courses

Corso in Training Mio fasciale.(DMSA)


The restrictions imposed by the Sars-Cov-2 emergency have led coaches, instructors and other teaching figures to adapt to distance learning, addressing the many difficulties that this methodology has entailed compared to traditional lessons given “live”. In fact, from our point of view, this situation has given us the opportunity to consider online teaching as an added value in terms of practicality and reachability for all our users. In order to develop one of our projects, namely to create a global network of dissemination, training and learning of physical activity, distance learning proves to be a very powerful means in achieving this goal.

. In fact, from our point of view, this situation has given us the opportunity to consider online teaching as an added value in terms of practicality and reachability for all our users. In order to develop one of our projects, namely to create a global network of dissemination, training and learning of physical activity, distance learning proves to be a very powerful means in achieving this goal.



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