Damasio's Success

El Acierto de Damasio


Antonio C. Rosa Damásio (Lisbon, February 25, 1944) is a renowned Portuguese neuroscientist and neurologist. He works alongside his wife, the doctor and professor Hanna Damásio.

Essay number 1 on the book *In Search of Spinoza*

Keywords: Emotions, Spinoza, Feelings, Damásio, human condition

Antonio Damasio, in his work on Spinoza, starts from the fundamental neuroscientific premise that the brain is genetically wired for survival and well-being. With this idea, Damasio explores the relationship between neuroscience and philosophy, using Spinoza as a bridge between both disciplines. Throughout his work, Damasio criticizes traditional neuroscience for failing to fully explain feelings, highlighting that they are essential to understanding the mind and body.

The book examines the sequentiality of emotions, feelings and thoughts, stating that thoughts trigger emotions and these transform into feelings, providing a holistic view of the mind and body. Damasio also inserts his own thoughts and feelings, enriching the narrative with his personal experiences and his quest to understand Spinoza, whose work is seen as hermetic but fundamental to philosophy.

Damasio unravels Spinoza's philosophy, highlighting his recommendation to combat negative emotions with reasoning and intellectual effort, and relates this to neuroscientific concepts such as conatus, which represents brain dispositions for survival and well-being. He explains that emotions and feelings are essential to evaluate and adapt to the environment, and presents a classification of emotions as background, primary and social, all aimed at survival.

The book also addresses how the brain simulates emotions and feelings, such as imagined or remembered experiences. Damasio argues that emotions and feelings are fundamental to decision-making and biological regulation, suggesting that without them, the integration of information for survival would be impossible.

Damasio concludes that machines cannot feel like humans, since every cell in the human body is alive and subject to a biological cycle. Feelings, then, are manifestations of balance or discordance in the organism. Spinoza's work is used to illustrate how the mind and body are part of the same substance, and how Spinoza's philosophy can help better understand human nature from a neuroscientific perspective.

Finally, Damasio reviews the historical influence of Spinoza and how his thought has impacted various intellectuals throughout the centuries. In his search for it, Damasio finds in Spinoza a guide to understanding the deep connection between emotions, reason and survival, highlighting the relevance of integrating philosophical and scientific knowledge to fully understand the human condition.

Damasio's Success

 Antonio Damasio

Bibliography: In Search of Spinoza

El Acierto de Damasio

Jose De Laurentis


Consultant cognitive neuroscience applied to learning motor, fitness and sports.

ATP Tennis Physical Coach e FIT.

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