Multilingualism as a facilitator of motor learning and consequently "of performance
high performance"...
Multilingualism helps improve motor learning and sports performance.
"Addressing the issue from experience as an athlete and current coach..."
“Multilingualism indirectly helps in the control of emotions; this is essential in the
elite sports performance…” Diego Romero.
-Dimension: Sportsman
“Multilingualism indirectly helps in the control of emotions; this is essential in the
elite sports performance…” Diego Romero. What did you mean with this phrase?
Why does it help “indirectly”?
How has it helped you control your emotions?/ Emotions become
can they control?
Has multilingualism helped you be more competitive as an athlete?
-Dimension: Coach
What role does multilingualism have in the coach's work?
As a coach, how did it help you?
Has communication with your athletes improved?