Schools project



Precisely because 'the nature of movement is in itself' cognition, and precisely because 'the natural process that makes us human:' teaching, interpretation and learning’ is in itself neuro-cognitive motor, Neuromove considers the teaching of physical education in school from early childhood to be fundamental with this playful-educational perspective, both in support of a correct psychophysical development and for the purpose of education for well-being.

Furthermore, we consider the school as the body responsible for the global education of the individual, and within this, we believe in the teaching of physical education as a powerful means for a broader development of all areas of school learning.

With this project, which sees us inserted in schools in Thailand, Argentina and Italy, we want to disseminate the importance of this approach to the teaching of movement and, consequently, to the organic health that we must create and learn during the school cycle and then preserve in the subsequent years of our life.

Movement is learning and learning is life; that is, movement is the engine of our formation as human beings.

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